Durga Dewan : volitans LionFish

Meet Durga Dewan the Lionfish and treat him accordingly.

My name is Durga Dewan and I am a Lionfish. A Volitan Lionfish. 
I am native to Indo-Pacific regions and the South Pacific, but my
brethren are beginning to be invasive in the Caribbean Sea. (We like
to hunt, ALOT!)
I am very destructive to a population of fish in that I will eat 
anything that is half my size and moving. I love to hunt and catching
my prey is more interesting to me than just finding it somewhere on
the bottom or having it fed to me. Keep in mind that I have the name
lionfish for a reason. (Not sure what that reason truly is as I am a
fish, but I would like to think it is because I am the king of my
jungle. A jungle that is up to 300 feet underwater and filled with
fish, but a jungle none the less.)
I have long, multi-patterened, fan-like fins. (Just have a look at my glorious
picture. How cute am I? I mean...How courageous do I look and powerful.
Fish-Power?[throws a fin in the air]) I am reddish-brown to dark brown
with white stripes. Should you try and pet me, though, you will get a
surprise. You see, My spines on my dorsal, pelvic and anal fins are
poisonous and will feel like a bee sting should you get stung. (Don't
worry, as a human you probably won't die, though I would definitely call a doctor.
You will probably feel your heart rate change drastically, have abdominal
pain, sweating and fainting (You may throw up a bunch as well, but I didn't want to put that on here because yuck.) These symptoms can last from 8 hours to 30 days depending on the severity of the sting.Did you know that I have a second "layer" of skin? It is interesting that because I sometimes stay sedentary rather than always moving around, that I will get algae, bacteria, and hydroids on my skin and due to this I will shed my skin about once a week. This makes it so that I am very disease resistant.
I can also reach up to 15 inches in length, which makes it hard for me to hide in man-made aquariums if you don't give me enough room, but 120 gallons should be enough to allow me some hiding spaces, and make certain that you also give me plenty of hiding places, for I will stay hidden until I am acclimated to my knew surroundings. Be aware, if it moves and is smaller than half my size, I am probably going to eat it.
Thanks for you time and keep in mind, I am the lion of the water and my beauty sublime. (Thought I would end of a round of rhyming, but not certain I am good with the timing. Love Princess Bride)
Troy Henderson

Troy Henderson
Saltwateraquarist, et al. “Volitan Lionfish Care Sheet · Saltwateraquarist.com.”
Saltwateraquarist.com, 14 Mar. 2019,