Support Nautical Sea Predators

We enjoy doing what we do and hope that you do as well. If you want more of what we have on this site, please see fit to follow any of the links below or through out this site and have a look around. We have T-Shirts and much more. The links below take you to different items that we discuss here and on other sites similar to this one. These link can take you to the different things that we use and review. If you don’t want what the link takes you to, that’s not an issue. Simply use the link and then go wherever on that site to find whatever you are looking for. Every dollar you spend makes us money as long as you use the links below. Thanks for any money you spend and for your time.


This link is for the Alexa Show 5. A great device that we use constantly at home to help us look things up, connect to one another and enjoy music while we work. It is something you would probably love as well. We will do a review over it at some point, I’m sure.

This link is a place holder until we find something that we are using on this site directly. We wanted to put scuba gear or some cool book, but currently we haven't used any of those and thus we would be lying. Not something we will do at this site. Once we have something new, we will update and place it here. Thanks again.

We also have our T-shirts that help us directly. If you would like to look through them, please follow any of the below links.