Charlie : The Spotted Wobbegong

Meet Charlie the Wobbegong and learn of his days.

Glad to meet you, hope that you are having a good day. My name is Charlie the Wobbegong and I am spotted. I am considered a carpet shark and I live in Australia. I get from 5 to 6 feet long and I am green in color. Though, many of my siblings are yellow or brown. My green is much better than their yellow or brown, though, if I do say so myself. I blend with my surroundings very well due to my color, which may be why my green is better for me than their colors. But let’s not judge them for their colors as that would just be stupid. We should never judge a person by the color of their skin but by how they treat others. Even though green is still the best, because it’s mine. Also, we can tell each other apart because we have “O” shaped spots that are distinctive and white on our skin. It makes us blend in the rocks but stick out if we are seen without our backgrounds. (Helpful camo is only helpful in the right situation.)

I am not a biter, that is not to say that I will not bite, but that I simply don’t attack unless provoked. Well, there was that one time, but it was in the spring and the mating season was in full swing. During that time, I get a bit munchie and may be a bit more aggressive than normal. Though, you don’t have to fear dying from one of my bites, it will let you know that you have been bitten. I will take a rather large chuck if I do bite, so keep your hands and feet away from my mouth. When I eat, I suck my prey into my mouth so your feet or hands won’t be any different. That is, other than the taste. I don’t truly have a taste for human, but fish are awesome.

My cousins, for whom I am often mistaken, are the dwarf spotted wobbegong from western Australia. But I have smaller dorsal fins with no black markings like them. I am also confused with the Omate Gulf wobbegong in New South Wales, but my white marks and dermal lobes set me apart, so be certain not to mistake us. They get really annoyed with that. I don’t truly care who thinks I’m what, but then I am a bit lazy.

I feed at night and rest in the day. I’d say I was a Night Owl, but those things creep me out. They have wings and can fly without water. Not to mention, they have those eyes that are constantly looking everywhere, and that head that turns all the way around. YUCK! Oh, how creepy. Anyway, my favorite place to rest is at the bottom of a coral reef, though some of my brethren are more prone to sandy bottoms and coastal bays. I never saw this as good for me because they are just so far away from my native home, at least the one that I have chosen (I would have to swim hole yards, and I don’t want to do that. Not that I’m lazy, just that I’m...alright, I’m lazy, what of it). Not to mention, there is far too much involved in all that. I would much rather let my prey come to me directly. I watch my prey, consisting of fish, and the occasional lobster, crab or octopus, come right up to me and actually nibble on my tentacles. I simply suck in and have a great meal. It’s actually that easy, and I love it.

I can live anywhere that I want, as long as it’s tropical and the fishing is great. Not to mention, there has to be a lazy place for me to lay while I bask away the day and enjoy the slow meanderings of fish that come to me without my having to actually do much, at all, ever. I stay in my own lane, for the most part, I don’t move from the place that I feed for most of my life. Though, I can if I choose, I just don’t. People call me lazy, but I say I’m just content. (And that is all, just content. Not truly la....FINE, I’m Lazy! You don’t have to rub it in.)

Did you know that I was once called a “wobbie”? It means “shaggy beard” and comes from the aboriginal language. It is because of the tentacles on my face.

Did you also know that I can “walk” on land? That is as long as my gills stay wet, but my fins allow me to actually walk on the surface of the land, or on the bottom of the sea, as I see fit.

I don’t see so well, which may be why I like just sitting at the bottom of the sea, waiting on my meals to come to me. I am a very interesting shark. My talents far out weigh my laziness and you should learn more about me. If not, I may just get you when you least expect it. That is, if you are in a tropical climate and put something very close to my mouth. I have a reputation to uphold. Garfield the cat and I often have the gold and silver in laziness. (That was a joke. I am not truly lazy, just content. Just content. Fine, I’m lazy, whatever.)
Troy Henderson

Troy Henderson
Wikipedia contributors. "Spotted Wobbegong. Wikipedia,
2 Aug. 2021,